Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Day 15

Today I helped out with getting ready to go to school because my brother was late so I made his bed for him. I think that he was greatful because he said thank you.


Unknown said...

Hi Aimee from Dean and Karlene in Brisbane Australia.
Keep up the good work helping everyone I am sure they are very happy that you're helping out.

Luv Dean and Karlene

Anonymous said...

It is always nice to help out your family so keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Hey Aimee looking good!! your making a really big difference and I'm sure your familys noticed it to!!!! Keep up the good work!!!



Anonymous said...

Goed zo Aimee

Ik denk dat iedereen blij is met dit initiatief.

Je zult merken dat het heel erg fijn is om andere mensen een plezier te doen, blije gezichten is je" loon".

Ga zo door en studeer maar eens even op dit "Nederlands ", leer je ook van.

Groetjes , Marijke ( nicht van je moeder).